WHEN SELFIES WON’T DO. Your social media photo is your first impression.
Connection starts with having a powerful vision image people can believe in and feel good about.
Creating your NEXT LEVEL, Buzz-worthy, Eye-catching vision branding images for your for your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, professional website, as well as, all your other social media platforms.
In this social media era, where everyone is given a public persona and real business is actually happening online, relying on your bland or 15-year-old outdated “conservative” corporate photos will make people think ‘Ugh, that’s not who we thought he/she was’ and turn opportunities away.
People are buying you, more so than your services or goods, so it’s important that your business images come across as memorable, truly and authentically you, in all your social media presence.
Imagine, being the rock star in your own life, standing out, looking striking, expressing value, attracting and grabbing the attention of your ideal and potential customers.
Let’s create portraits that will be a GAME CHANGER and make people woo, stop and say, ‘I want to look at him/her a little closer.’
Ready for VISION branding?